Wednesday, January 17, 2007

2007 new years something-or-other

i seem to have been taking a break from poetry blogging. i think this break is going to continue on for a bit, but i'll be back.


TenaciousK said...

Hmmm. My hope is that your life is so blissful at the moment, you can't muster enough anguish and angst to inspire good poetry.

But if your life is anything like mine, I'm sure the universe will see to it that you're writing great poetry again at some point.


MKZBC: Making zeusboy cry; damn, that's gotta' be some fine poetry.

cqkqyz: Can I buy a vowell please?

tiger barbs said...

would that it were so. i'm looking, but i don't see any trampolines yet.

irief: irie falling
ordjmimu: order up the jiminy crickets

TenaciousK said...

Trampolines? You don't need no steenkin' trampolines!

Looking is good. Venturing out? Probably even better.

Uhm, well, whatever it is - I'm sure you're more than up for it.

The night caller phones vonage?

gaayqtnp: Games about yello turnips.

[man, I must still be tired, this morning]

Keifus said...

errr, perhaps this post is by now superfluous?

Ah well, what TK said, etc..


xtosayz: extra oats, I says.

Anonymous said...

superfluous? never.
extra oats? always.